CoRoT-7b tourne autour d'une étoile à environ 500 années-lumière de notre système solaire.
Or un astrophysicien israélien a participé à sa découverte (Haaretz):
Israeli scientist helps discover planet 'very similar to Earth' (...)
"Progress in research on planets outside our solar system has been tremendous," said Prof. Zvi Mazeh of Tel Aviv University, who participated in the study. "It's amazing to think that 25 years ago, when I just started becoming interested in the field, not a single planet was known outside of our solar system." (...)
The newly-discovered planet, named CoRoT-7b, is estimated to have a radius twice that of Earth, but a lower mass.
Plus proche de nous, l'actrice/activiste Jane Fonda s'est excusée d'avoir signé la pétition anti-TIFF (voir Sur le front culturel de la lutte "antisioniste"), lire les détails dans cet article du Guardian.
Jane Fonda has apologised for signing a petition decrying the decision by organisers of the Toronto film festival to showcase films from Tel Aviv.
Fonda said she had signed the letter (...) "without reading it carefully enough, without asking myself if some of the wording wouldn't exacerbate the situation rather than bring about constructive dialogue".
(...) Fonda pointed out that her decision had been based on anger over the suspicion that Toronto was being used by the Israeli government to boost its newly launched campaign to "rebrand" the country.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il faut du courage pour admettre publiquement son erreur. Bravo, madame.
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Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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